INFLAMMATION: (G, to inflame means to set on fire). Different author shave propoded differentdefinitions as under,
· Itis defined as local reactionof the leaving tissue to an irritantor injury (Jonesand Hunt, 1983).
· It is the reactive process,which begins fallowing a sub-lethal injury to tissueand
ends with complete healing. Where healing is the end result of this dynamic process and not a distinct entityitself- definition proposedby Ebert (Sastry,1983).
· It is the complicated vascular and cellular reactions of an individual to an irritant (Russel et al.,).
· According to Vegad (1995) inflammation is defined as the reactionof the vascularized living tissue to local injury. Further,it is essentially the reactionof the microcirculation (small arterioles, capillaries, and venules)and its contents.
· Inflammation is a fundamental processfor the survival of the organism/ animals.
· Itserves to destroy,dilute or isolatethe injurious agent and repair the damagedtissues, and is basically a protective response.
· Without it there could be neitherprotection against the effects of noxious externalstimuli (irritant) nor repair of damaged tissue.
· Itis a beneficial process, howeverat times it may wanderaway from its beneficial part and may become considerably more harmful to the body than the noxious stimuli, which initiated the reaction- in allergic and rheumatic diseases.
OBJECTIVES OF INFLAMMATION: It has two important phasesor objectives,
· Todestroy, dilute or isolate and remove the irritant-thus preventing additional injury to tissue and spread of irritant to other organs and
· To repair the damaged tissue and restore the body to normal (near to normal) structure and function.
CLASSIFICATION OF INFLAMMATION: Inflammation can be classified in to different typesas under,
1) On the basis of nature of irritant - Acute (sever)and chronic (mild).
2) On the basis of duration of inflammation (course of inflammation) - per-acute / acute/ sub-acute and chronic.
3) Based on aetiological agent responsible for it- allergic/viral/ bacterial/ rickettesial/ granulomatous/ fungal and parasitic.
4) Acute inflammations are further classified into different types based on the principal constituent of exudates - Serous/ mucous or catarrhal/ fibrinous/ suppurative or purulent/ haemorrhagic and gangrenous.
Sr. No. | Name of the organ | Term for its inflammation |
1 | Brain (of nervous tissue and vessel wall) | Encephalitis |
2 | Spinal cord | Myelitis |
3 | Brain and spinal cord | Encephalomyelitis |
4 | Choroid plexus | Choroiditis |
5 | Meninges | Meningitis |
6 | Meninges of spinal cord | Spinal meningitis |
7 | When pia arachonoid involved | Leptomeningitis |
8 | When Dura arachonoid involved | Pachymeningitis |
9 | Nerve | Neuritis |
10 | Ependyma | Ependymitis |
a) Bone and related structures | ||
1 | Bone / part of bone | Osteitis |
2 | When begining with periosteum | Periosteitis |
3 | Bone marrow | Osteomyelitis |
4 | Joint | Arthritis |
5 | Bursa | Bursitis |
6 | Bone and joint | Osteoarthritis |
7 | Synovial space / sheath | Synovitis |
8 | Tendon | Tendonitis |
9 | Tendon and its sheath | Tendovaginitis |
10 | Bone morrow | Osteomyelitis |
11 | Vertebrae | Spondylitis |
12 | Hip joint | Coxitis |
13 | Stifle joint | Gonitis |
14 | Periosteum of metacarpal and metatarsal region | Sore shins |
15 | Sessamoids | Sesamoiditis |
16 | Inner aspect of left tibia | Track leg |
17 | Sinus of leg joint | Sinuvitis |
18 | Inflammation of bursa between ligamentum nuchae and atlas and axis | Polevil |
19 | Inflammation between ligamentum nuchae and the thoracic spines | Fistulus withers |
20 | Bursitis and arthritis involving distal sessemoid or navicular bone | Navicular disease |
21 | Sensitive laminae of hoof | Laminitis (founder) |
b) Muscles | ||
1 | Muscle | Myositis |
a) Eye and allied structures | ||
1 | Eye | Opthalmitis |
2 | Cornea | Keratitis |
3 | Uvea (vascular tunic) | Uveitis |
4 | Iris and ciliary body | Anterior uveitis / Iridocyclitis |
5 | Ciliary body and chorid | Posterior uveitis |
6 | Diffuse uveitis | Panuveitis |
7 | Choroids and retina | Chorioretinitis |
8 | Uveary retina and ocular cavities | Endoophthalmitis |
9 | All ocular structure and sclera | Panophthalmitis |
10 | Retina | Retinitis |
11 | Eyelids | Blephritis |
12 | Conjunctiva (covering mucosa of the eye including the orbit and inner surface of eyelid) | Conjunctivitis |
13 | Cornea and conjunctiva (layers below conjunctiva)cs | Kerato conjunctivitis |
14 | Orbit | Orbital cellulitis |
15 | Lacrimal sac | Dacryocystitis |
16 | Lacrimal gland | Dacryoadenitis |
17 | Optic nerve | Optic neuritis |
18 | Sclera | Scleritis |
19 | Purulent orbital inflammation | Orbital cellulitis |
b) Ear | ||
1 | Inner ear | Otitis interna |
2 | Middle ear | Otitis media |
3 | External ear | Otitis externa |
c) Skin and appendages | ||
1 | Adipose tissue | Stealitis |
2 | Dermis and epidermis | Dermatitis |
3 | Subcutaneous tissue (suppurative infla.) | Cellulitis |
4 | Hair follicles | Folliculitis |
5 | Vessels | Vasculitis |
6 | Follicules | Folliculitis / panniculitis |
7 | Muscle and skin | Dermatomyositis |
1 | Mouth / oral cavity (mucosa) | Stomatitis |
2 | Teeth | Odontitis |
3 | Dental pulp | Pulpitis |
4 | Gum | Gingivitis |
5 | Lips | Chielitis |
6 | Periodontium | Periodontitis |
7 | Tongue | Glossitis |
8 | Parotid gland (salivary gland) | Parotiditis |
9 | Any of the salivary gland | Parotitis |
10 | Pharynx | Pharyngitis |
11 | Tonsil | Tonsillitis |
12 | Both palates | Palatitis |
13 | Soft palate | Angina |
14 | Hard palate | Lampas |
15 | Salivary gland | Sialoadenitis |
16 | Oesophagus | Oesophagitis |
17 | Crop (bird) | Ingluvitis |
18 | Peritoneum | Peritonitis |
19 | Omental bursa | Omental bursitis |
20 | Rumen | Rumenitis |
21 | Reticulum | Reticulitis |
22 | Omasum | Omasitis |
23 | Stomach (monogastric stomach) | Gastritis |
24 | Abomasum (ruminant stomach) | Abomasitis |
25 | Intestine | Enteritis |
26 | Both stomach and intestine | Gastro enteritis |
27 | Duodenum | Duodenitis |
28 | Jejunum | Jejunitis |
29 | Ileum | Ileitis |
30 | Caecum | Typhilitis |
31 | Colon | Colitis |
32 | Rectum | Proctitis |
33 | Anus | Anitis |
34 | Liver | Hepatitis |
35 | Cronic inflmation of liver | Cirrhosis |
36 | Gall bladder | Cholecystitis |
37 | Bile duct | Cholangitis |
38 | Cholangioles | Cholongiolitis |
39 | Pancreas | Pancreatitis |
40 | Retroperitonium | Retroperitonitis |
1 | Kidney | Nephritis |
2 | Kidney and pelvis | Pyelonephritis |
3 | Ureter | Ureteritis |
4 | Urinary bladder | Cystitis |
5 | Urethra | Urethritis |
6 | Pelvis | Pyelitis |
1 | Pleura | Pleuritis / pleurisy |
2 | Air sac | Air saculitis |
3 | Nose / nasal cavity | Rhinitis / coryza |
4 | Sinuses | Sinusitis |
5 | Larynx | Laryngitis |
6 | Trachea | Tracheitis |
7 | Bronchi | Bronchitis |
8 | Bronchioles | Bronchiolitis |
9 | Lung / alveoli | Pneumonia / pneumonitis |
10 | Pleura and lung | Pleuropneumonia |
1 | Ovary | Oophoritis /Ovaritis |
2 | Ovarian capsule | Perioophoritis |
3 | Bursa (ovarian) | Bursitis |
4 | Oviduct | Salpingitis |
5 | Uterus | Metritis |
6 | Perimetrium (serosa) | Perimetritis |
7 | Perimetrium along with broad ligament | parametritis |
8 | Endometrium | Endometritis |
9 | whole thickness of uterine wall | metritis |
10 | Cervix | Cervicitis |
11 | Vagina | Vaginitis |
12 | Vulva | Vulvitis |
13 | Mammary gland | Mastitis / mammitis |
14 | Nipples | Thelitis |
15 | Testes | Orchitis |
16 | Epididymis | Epididymitis |
17 | Seminal vesicles | Seminal vesiculitis |
18 | Spermatic cord | Funiculitis |
20 | Prepuce | Posthitis |
21 | Glans penis | Balanitis |
22 | Prepuce and glans penis | Balanoposthitis |
Endocrine glands | ||
1 | Thyroid | Thyroiditis |
1 | Pericardium | Pericarditis |
2 | Epicardium | Epicarditis |
3 | Myocardium | Myocarditis |
4 | Endocardium | Endocarditis |
5 | Valves | Valvulitis |
6 | Aorta | Aortitis |
7 | Artery | Arteritis |
8 | Vein | Phlebitis |
9 | Umbilical vein (only distal part or may extend from the umbilicus to the liver) | Omphalo- phlebitis |
10 | External aspects of umbilicus | Omphalitis |
11 | Umbilical artery (less common) | omphaloarteritis |
12 | Lymph vessel | Lymphangitis |
13 | Lymph gland | Lymphadenitis |
14 | Spleen | Splenitis |