Animal Genetics and Breeding Question Bank  (Subjective ) Part 1 

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Broad Questions

  1. State and explain Mendel’s First law with suitable example.

(Law of Segregation, example)

  1.  State and explain Mendel’s Second Law with suitable example.

(Law of Independent Assortment, explain with Punnet square method)

  1.  State Hardy Weinberg’s Law. Prove it suitable examples.

(Statement, explain (p+q) 2 =p2 +2 pq + q2, example)

  1. What are the modifications of first law of Mendel? Justify them with suitable example.

(Complete/ incomplete/ co-dominance, examples)

  1. What are the modifications of second law of Mendel? Justify them with suitable example.

(Gene interaction and Epistasis, examples with ratios)

  1. What is Gene frequency and Genotype frequency? What are the factors affecting them?

(Definitions, differences, factors-selection, migration, mutation, population size)

  1. What is Gamatogenesis? Describe in females.

(Definitions, types, schematic presentation with explanation)

  1. Explain cell division mechanism in detail.

(Definitions, Mitosis & Meiosis, schematic presentation with explanation of every stage)

  1. What is Epistasis? Classify it and give the ratios of respective epistasis.

(Definition, classification, ratios, examples)

  1. What is Gene interaction? Explain it with suitable example.

(Definition, explanation)

  1. What is mutation? Classify mutation & give details of induced mutation.

(Definitions, Types, schematic presentation of classification, explain mutagenic agents, possibilities of induction of mutation)

  1. Give the difference between Cytoplasmic inheritance and maternal effect?

(Mechanism of cytoplasmic inheritance, difference with natural one)

  1. What is Gene Frequency? What are the factors affecting gene frequency?

(Definitions, factors, explanation)

  1. Describe Heritability and it’s factors?

             (Definitions, factors, explanation)

  1. What are the Chromosomal aberrations? Give the details of structural Chromosomal aberrations.

(Definition, classification, explanation with diagram)

  1. Enlist the disorder found in animal due to lethal gene? Explain any one of them in detail.

(Enlist, explain any one)

  1. What do you know about Sex determination phenomenon? Explain Sex determination pattern in Avian Family.

(Explain the phenomenon, in Avian female is sex determining)

  1.  Define multiple allele? Give an example. How did multiple allele originate?

(Definitions, factors, explanation)

  1. What is meant by linkage of genes? What are the practical importances of linkage in farm animals?

(Definitions, importance, example)

  1.  Explain how selection can modify gene frequencies in a population

(Selection, effect on gene frequency, example)

  1. What is genetic drift? How can it affect gene frequency?

(Definition, effect on gene frequency, example)

  1. How Heritability can be estimated? What do you know about Broad  & narrow sense heritability?

(Explain term, formula; explain broad & narrow sense heritability)

  1. What is Quantitative inheritance? Explain it with suitable example.

(Definition, traits to be inherited quantitatively, mechanism, example)


    Write short notes on


A.     Crossing over.

B.      Multiple allele and multiple factor inheritance.

C.      Sex linked inheritance

D.     Sex influenced inheritance.

E.      Chromosomal Aberrations.

F.      Induced Mutation.

G.     Cytoplasmic inheritance.

H.     Crossing over.

I.        Dominance & over dominance.

J.        Aneuploidy

K.     Euploidy.

L.      Phenotypic resemblance.

M.    Lethal Gene.

N.     Quantitative inheritance.

O.     Sex limited characters.

P.      Genetic constitution of population.

Q.     Breeding Value.

R.      Variance.

S.      Components of variance.

T.      Genetic causes of resemblance.

U.     Importance of heritability.

V.     Epistasis.

W.   Gene interaction.

X.     Semi dominance.


2)      Give gene action (inheritance)


               1) Red Flower color sweet pea plant.               2) Creeper condition in Dogs.

               3) Walnut comb in Poultry.                              3) Coat color in Rabbit.

               5) Polled condition - Cattle.                            4) Walnut comb bird.

               6) Roan coat color of cattle.                            5) Color blind woman.

               7) Bald condition human being.                      6) Horned - condition – Sheep.

               8 ) Direction of shell coiling.                 9) ABO blood group.

               10)  Fur colour pattern in rabbit.                    12) Feather pattern in poultry.

               13) Modified dihybrid test cross ratio.    14) Milk Production


3)      A) Define


 1) Dominance                                                     2) Epitasis                       

             3) Gene Frequency                                            4) Heritability             

             5) Chromosomal aberration                              6) Selection

 7) Environmental Variance                               8) Lethal

 8) Gene interaction.                                           9) Gene interaction

 10) Genetics                                                      11) Homozygous

 12) Back cross                                                   13) Recessive epitasis

 14) Allele                                                          15) Pleiotropy

 16) Gynandromorph



B) Diagram of sexual types in Drosophila as per ratio of sex chromosomes to the

      autosomes (X/A).


       1) Normal Male           2) Normal female            3) Super male

       4) Super female           5) Inter-sex.


4)       Explain in One line


1) Anaphase                                                  2) Diploid

3) Autosomes                                                 4) Gene

5) Genome                                                     6) Germ Cell

7) Homogametic Sex.                                    8) Homologus  

9) Locus                                                       10) Euploidy

           11) Aneuploidy                                              12) Coupling

           13) Repulsion                                               14) Immunogenetics

           15) Synopsis                                                16) Variation

           17) Population mean                                    18) Dominance

           19) Turner Syndrome                                   20) Gene Mapping.

           21) Back cross                                             22) Gene Interaction

            23) Penetrance                                            



5) Differentiate Between


  1. Mitosis & Meiosis
  2. Linkage & crossing over
  3. Epistasis & Over dominance.
  4. Additive gene action & non-additive gene action.
  5. Sex linked & Sex influenced inheritance.
  6. Qualitative & Quantitative trait.


6) Fill in the blanks


  1. Lethal gene were first observed by ………………
  2. Alternate form of gene is called by ………………
  3. Sex influenced character situated on …………….
  4. Creeper condition in poultry is due to ……………….
  5. Sickle cell anemia is due to  ……………….
  6. Egg production is a ………………… character.
  7. Bull dog condition is observed in ………………
  8. Duplicate epistatic ratio ………………………
  9. Recessive epistatic ratio is …………………..
  10. Pink flower color is an example of ……………….
  11. Color blind woman ………………….
  12. Roan coat color in sweet pea plant …………….
  13. Agouti color in rats ……………..
  14. Bald condition
  15. Feathering in Poultry
  16. Crossing over takes between : -  Non-sister chromatids
  17. The type of cell division taking place in only once in the cell in a lifetime, is called as :-                        Meiosis.
  18. Crossing over takes place in : - Meiosis I.
  19. Initiation of spindle formation takes place in : - Late prophase.
  20. During the mitotic cell cycle the longest phase is : - Interphase.
  21. Mutation in which one base is replaced by another base is termed : - Substitution.
  22. Role of mutation in evolution is: - Genetic variation.
  23. Which is an example of chemical mutagen: - Mustard Gas.

24.   Sickle cell anemia is an example of : - Point Mutation.

  1. Which is the tetrasomic condition :- 2n+2.
  2. When the two dihybrid TiRR and TiRr crossed then the phenotypic ratio of the offspring is: - 3:1.
  3. Tall red flowered plants are crossed with the dwarf white flowered plants yields only tall red flowered when this hybrid plant is crossed with dominant parent then phenotypic ratio will be: - 1:1:1:1.
  4. In Drosophila AA +XO genotype will be: - Male.
  5. Quantitative inheritance first noted by: - Kolreuter.
  6. A cross between two white flowered varieties of sweet pea yields purple flowered plant due to: - Complementary Genes.
  7. Blood group B possesses which of the following : - B agglutinogen agglutinin a.
  8. In 9:3:3:3 dihybrid phenotypic ratio, the number of dihybrid phenotypic ration the number of hybrid dominant of both traits is: - 4.
  9. Generally sex linked characters are:-Recessive.
  10. A single recessive trait which can express its effect should occur in : - X- chromosome of male.
  11. A cross yielded 45 tall and 15 dwarf plants, genotypes of parent would be :- Tt X Tt.
  12. The genotype of B group, father of O group, then child would be :- IBIO.
  13. ABO- blood group based on : Multiple alleles.
  14. Alleles of gene occur on : Homologous chromosomes.
  15. In split genes coding sequences are : Exons.
  16. Daughter of colourblind father and normal mother marries a normal person, colorblindness in the family shall be :- 50% sons.
  17. Theory of epigenesis was given by :- Wolf.
  18. The eugenics is the science which deals with :- Improving the race of mankind.
  19. 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1 phenotypic of F2 generation ratio shows :- Trihybrid cross.
  20. One genome represent :- Total number of genes present on haploid set of chromosomes.
  21. Homologous chromosomes are which :- Equal in size.
  22. Gene mutation is caused :- Due to changes in sequence of nitrogen bases.
  23. Down’s syndrome is an example of :- Trisomy.
  24. Which process activates the start of egg developing and maintains the diploid number of chromosomes :- Fertilization.
  25. Term crossing over was proposed by : Morgan and Castle.
  26. Sum total of genes in a population is :- Gene pool.
  27. When in a dihybrid cross 12:3:1 ratio is obtained, this is due to gene interaction :- Dominant epitasis.
  28. Chromosomes having equal arms are known as :- Metacentric.
  29. The dark staining region in a chromosome is called :- Heterochromatin.
  30. Chromosome which do not have centromere is called as :- Acentric.
  31. Mothers blood group is O and fathers blood group is homozygous A then offspring of blood group A are :- 100%.
  32. AA Bb Cc genotype organism produced how many types of gametes :- 2.
  33. Which is the universal donor :- “O” Negative.
  34. Tt X tt indicates :- Test cross.
  35. Nuclear membrane is derived from :-Endoplasmic reticulum.
  36. Which of the following type of chromosome have maximum arm ratio :- Acrocentric.
  37. Diagrammatic representation of karyotype is called as : -  Idiogram.
  38. Which of the following is a sex linked disease:- Haemophilia.
  39. Correlation is ratio of: - Covariance and two standard deviations (Both)
  40. XX -  XO sex determination occurs in : - Round worms.
  41. Correlation coefficient is obtained from the square root of: - Two covariance.
  42. When heritability trait is high, the best basis of selection is: -Individuals.
  43. Repeatability is the upper limit of: - Heritability.
  44. Parent – offsprings and parental half sib correlation are widely used to : - Heritability.
  45. Progeny testing increases which interval: -Generation.
  46. Accuracy of selection when Heritability of a trait is low is :- Low.
  47. A population cannot be in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium if it is: - Open, small and mutating.
  48. A multiple allelic series having 4 alleles, the possible genotypes are: -4.
  49. Structural chromosomal abnormality includes: - Robertsonian Translocation.
  50. In birds the sex chromosome configuration in females is: -A + W.
  51. The genes which are carried on x chromosomes are known as : - Sex-limited.
  52. The sex determination system in poultry is: - ZW method.
  53. The range of heritability is………….. : - 0-1.
  54. Egg production in poultry and milk production in cattle is: - Sex-limited.
  55. Mutations expressed by the X-rays are first reported by : - Roentgen.
  56. Johnson coined the term ………….: - Gene.
  57. Linkage can be tested by test crossing the : - F1 Hybrid.
  58. The diploid chromosomal number in the Zebu cattle is : - 60.
  59. Panmixia is the synonym for: - Random mating.
  60. Milk production in cattle is: - Sex limited trait.

85.   Genes for the sex limited trait is present on: - Autosomes.

  1. Linkage can be tested by test crossing the: - Double homozygous and Double heterozygous.
  2. H.J. Muller reported that the X rays induces: - Mutation.
  3. In a single locus two alleles case the frequency of the heterozygous cannot be greater than: - 50 percent.
  4. Females get their sex-linked genes from: - Father.
  5. Males inherit X chromosomes from: - Female parents.
  6. Females receive X chromosomes from: - Male parent and female parent.
  7. Non – disjunction can be defined as: - Homologous chromosomes do not  

      separate during meiosis.

  1. Independent assortment of genes resulting in 50 present recombination occurs:-
  2. If  the genes are situated on different chromosomes and if the genes are

      situated on different chromosomes.

  1. Chromosomal mutations can take place by:- Deletion, duplication, inversion

and translocation.

  1. High heritability indicates…………. Correlation between genotype and   phenotype in respect to given trait.:- High.

97.         If a dominant homozygote and heterozygote individuals have same      phenotype then there exists……….. dominance.: - Complete.

98.   The diploid number of chromosomes in Water Buffalo is …………. :-  50.

99.   The term gene was coined by ………….. :- Johnnsen.

100.     Multiple alleles are …………. :- Situated on the same locus.

101.     Mutations can be induced by mutagens like ……………. :-   

  1. Trait are controlled by……….:- Gene and Allele.
  2. Mutations can be induced by mutagens like: - X rays, UV – rays and several 


  1. Traits that can not be measure are known as: -  Qualitative traits.
  2. Continuous variation is an character of : - Quantitative traits.
  3. Effect of environment is minimum on which trait? – Qualitative.
  4. Comb type is an  example of :-  Qualitative trait.
  5. Which of the following is not qualitative trait in poultry: - Plumage color.
  6. What is the unit of population? -  Individual.
  7. Frequency of zygote is known as : - Genotype frequency.
  8. Frequency of gamete is known as:- Gene Frequency.
  9. Which is the range of the gene frequency:- 0-1.
  10. Sum of gene frequency is always:- Equal to 1.
  11. Individual of AA genotype are one quarter of total population then       frequency of genotype is: - 25%.
  12. Which is the binomial expression of (p+q)2:- p2 + pq + q2.
  13. Cause of variation in population is: -  Genetic and Environmental.
  14. Genetic variation arises due to:- Genetic recombination.
  15. Phenotypic variation include: - Genetic variation, Environmental.
  16. For an ideal population which is true? – Environmental variation=0.

Genetic variance (G) is equal to:- Sum of additive variance and Non additive   variance.

  1. Non additive gene action includes: - Dominance, interaction and       Epistasis.
  2. If ‘n’ pair of gene are involved the type of gamete formed will be:- 2n.
  3. If ‘n’ pair of gene are involved the type of genotype formed will be: - 3n.
  4. If ‘n’ pair of gene are involved the type of phenotype formed will be: - 5n.
  5. Which of the following is the example of forward mutation: - Wild gene                      to mutate gene.

125.     Mutation is not a common cause to produce variance because of :- Rare

               occurrence, Recessive ness and Harmful nature.

126.     Carcass quality and quantity is an example of :- Additive gene action.

127.     Fertility and livability is example of:- Non additive gene action.

128.     Genotype frequency of progeny depends upon:- Genotype frequency of                      parents.

129.     Frequency of heterozygote in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is always:-             Never exceed ½.  

130.     Frequency of mating between male and female of any genotype will be: - Product of frequency of concerned genotype.

131.     Male showing sex linked trait are always: - Hemizygous.

132.     Change in the gene frequency due to migration depends on: -Immigration       rate  of native and Difference between gene frequency.

  1. Genetic drift is applicable for: - Small population.
  2. Mutation, which do not cause any change in the protein is: - Silent       mutation.
  3. Survival has a great effect in: - Recurrent mutation.
  4. Proportionate genetic contribution of a genotype to next generation is   known  as: -Fitness.
  1. Range of fitness may be: - 0 - +1.
  2. Survival of the fittest is the important aspect of: - Natural selection.
  3. Selection is most efficient at: - Intermediate gene frequency.
  4. Which is the exact expression for phenotypic variance? –
  5. VP = VG + VE + 2COVGE + VGE.
  6. Two fold partitioning of phenotypic variance include: - Additive and              non-additive variance.
  7. Which is true estimation of heritability   Additive gene action.
  8. Genotype frequency of progeny depend upon  Genotype frequency of parent.
  9. Frequency of Heterozygote in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is always  Nerve 

         exceed ½.

  1. Frequency of mating between male and female of any genotype will.    Product of  frequency of concerned genotype.
  2. Male showing sex linked trait are always: Hemizygous.
  3. Change in gene frequency due to migration depend on
  4. Genetic drift is applicable for Small population.
  5. Mutation which do not cause any change in the protein is Silent mutation.
  6. Survival has great effect in  Recurrent mutation.


Define Following



Each of a pair of identical DNA molecules after DNA replication, joined at the centromere.


Protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.


Molecules of DNA complexed with specific proteins responsible in eukaryotes for storage and transmission of genetic information.


The different forms of a gene. Y and y are different alleles of the gene that determines seed color. Alleles occupy the same locus, or position, on chromosomes.


A locus on any chromosome but a sex chromosome. Not sex-linked.


Co-dominant alleles

Two different alleles at a locus are responsible for different phenotypes, and both alleles affect the phenotype of the heterozygote.

Complete linkage.

Complete linkage describes the inheritance patterns for 2 genes on the same chromosome when the observed frequency for crossover between the loci is zero.


Organisms produce only one type of gamete; i.e. humans

Dominant trait.

A trait expressed preferentially over another trait.


One gene masks the expression of a different gene for a different trait.

F1 generation

Offspring of a cross between true breeding plants, homozygous for the trait of interest

F2 generation

Offspring of a cross involving the F1 generation.


The genetic constitution of an organism with respect to a trait. For a single trait on an autosome, an individual can be homozygous for the dominant trait, heterozygous, or homozygous for the recessive trait. Yellow seeds are dominant, but yellow seeded plants could have a genotype of either YY or Yy.



If there is only one copy of a gene for a particular trait In a diploid organism, the organism is hemizygous for the trait, and will display a recessive phenotype. X-linked genes in fly or human males are hemizygous.



Differing alleles for a trait in an individual, such as ‘Yy’.


Homologous chromosomes

The pair of chromosomes in a diploid individual that have the same overall genetic content. One member of each homologous pair of chromosomes in inherited from each parent.



Both alleles for a trait are the same in an individual. They can be homozygous dominant (YY), or homozygous recessive (yy).



Heterozygous, usually referring to the offspring of two true-breeding (homozygous) individuals differing in the traits of interest.


Incomplete dominance

Intermediate phenotype in F1, parental phenotypes reappear in F2. The flowers of the snapdragon plant can be red, pink, or white. Color is determined at a single locus. The genotype ‘RR’ results in red flowers and ‘rr’ results in white flowers. The heterozygote genotype of  ‘Rr’ results in pink flowers. When the heterozygote has a different, intermediate phenotype compared to the homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive individuals, this is said to be incomplete dominance.



Lethal alleles.

Mutated genes that are capable of causing death.


Genes that are inherited together on the same chromosome. Three inheritance patterns are possible: non-linkage, Partial linkage, and complete linkage.


Mendel’s law of Independent Assortment of alleles.

Alleles of different genes are assorted independently of one another during the formation of gametes.


Mendel’s law of segregation

Alleles segregate from one another during the formation of gametes.



Organisms produce both male and female gametes; i.e. garden pea.


Monohybrid cross.

Cross involving parents differing in only one trait.



Change in the DNA sequence of a gene to some new, heritable form. Generally, but now always a recessive allele.



Non-linkage describes the inheritance patterns for 2 genes on the same chromosome, when the expected frequency for crossover between the loci is at least one. The observed inheritance patters for non-linked genes on the same chromosome is the same as for 2 genes on different chromosomes.


Partial linkage.

Partial linkage describes one of the inheritance patterns for 2 genes on the same chromosome, when the expected frequency for crossover between the loci is greater than zero but less than one. From partial linkage analysis we can learn about the order and spacing of genes on the same chromosome.



The physical appearance of an organism with respect to a trait, i.e. yellow (Y) or green (y) seeds in garden peas. The dominant trait is normally represented with a capital letter, and the recessive trait with the same lower case letter.



A single gene determines more than one phenotype for an organism.


Recessive trait.

The opposite of dominant. A trait that is preferentially masked.


Reciprocal cross

Using male and female gametes for two different traits, alternating the source of gametes.


Sex chromosomes

Sex determination is based on sex chromosomes



A gene coded on a sex chromosome, such as the X-chromosome linked genes of flies and man.


Test cross

Generally a cross involving a homozygous recessive individual. When a single trait is being studies, a test cross is a cross between an individual with the dominant phenotype but of unknown genotype (homozygous or heterozygous) with a homozygous recessive individual. If the unknown is heterozygous, then approximately 50% of the offspring should display the recessive phenotype.



Homozygous for the true-breeding trait.


Wild-type allele

The non-mutant form of a gene, encoding the normal genetic function. Generally, but not always a dominant allele.

Biogenetics Definition:

A form of genetic engineering; the science of adding or altering the genetic code of an organism to achieve particular traits. This technique is becoming more and more important in agriculture as researchers seek to make crops that are resistant to pests.

Biometrical genetics
Definition: The mathematical approach to the study of the inheritance of different      phenotypes, or physical characteristics, as a result of plant or animal breeding.

Definition: Study that relates the appearance and behavior of chromosomes to    genetic phenomena.

Definition: The study of the patterns of inheritance of specific traits.

Definition: A sub-field of genetics that uses both genetic and immunological analyses to study the genetics behind antibody formation and the immune response.

Molecular genetics  

Definition: The study of the flow and regulation of genetic information between DNA, RNA, and protein molecules.

Definition: The scientific study of the relationships between the many different kinds of life on Earth; includes methods of collecting and analyzing data and interpreting the results.

Gene - A hereditary unit that, in the classical sense, occupies a specific position (locus) within the genome or chromosome; a unit that has one or more specific effects upon the appearance (phenotype) of the organism.

Genotype - The genetic constitution of an organism.

Locus (plural = loci) - The position that a gene occupies in a chromosome. Normally, that position does not change.

Phenotype - The appearance of an organism, produced by the genotype in conjunction with the environment.

Additive genetic effects

When the combined effects of alleles at different loci are equal to the sum of their individual effects.


A chromosome not involved in sex determination. The diploid human genome consists of a total of 46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes, and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (the X and Y chromosomes).



An individual who possesses an unexpressed, recessive trait.


Chromosomal deletion

The loss of part of a chromosome's DNA.


Chromosomal inversion

Chromosome segments that have been turned 180 degrees. The gene sequence for the segment is reversed with respect to the rest of the chromosome.



The self-replicating genetic structure of cells containing the cellular DNA that bears in its nucleotide sequence the linear array of genes. In prokaryotes, chromosomal DNA is circular, and the entire genome is carried on one chromosome. Eukaryotic genomes consist of a number of chromosomes whose DNA is associated with different kinds of proteins.



Using specialized DNA technology to produce multiple, exact copies of a single gene or other segment of DNA to obtain enough material for further study. This process, used by researchers in the Human Genome Project, is referred to as cloning DNA.  The resulting cloned (copied) collections of DNA molecules are called clone libraries. A second type of cloning exploits the natural process of cell division to make many copies of an entire cell. The genetic makeup of these cloned cells, called a cell line, is identical to the original cell. A third type of cloning produces complete, genetically identical animals such as the famous Scottish sheep, Dolly. 


Situation in which two different alleles for a genetic trait are both expressed.

Crossing over

The breaking during meiosis of one maternal and one paternal chromosome, the exchange of corresponding sections of DNA, and the rejoining of the chromosomes. This process can result in an exchange of alleles between chromosomes.



A loss of part of the DNA from a chromosome; can lead to a disease or abnormality.



An allele that is almost always expressed, even if only one copy is present



One gene interferes with or prevents the expression of another gene located at a different locus.



A single set of chromosomes (half the full set of genetic material) present in the egg and sperm cells of animals and in the egg and pollen cells of plants. Human beings have 23 chromosomes in their reproductive cells.

Match the following (Already matched)






Acquired inheritance






Germ Plasm theory



Father of genetics




Power house of cell/ Energy depot








Sex chromosomes

X & Y chromosomes



Chromosomes other than X & Y



Homozygous female



Heterozygous female



Chromosome with median cetromere


Sub Metacentric

Chromosome with Sub-median cetromere



Centromere located near to terminal



Centromere located  at terminal



Reduction in cell division



Spindle apparatus



Chisma formation / crossing over


Meiosis II

Meiotic mitosis



Dominant characters



Recessive characters


Mendels First Law

Law of segregation


Mendels second Law

Law of independent assortment


Lethal Gene

Creeper condition in poultry


Mendelian dihybrid ratio

9 : 3:3:1



Portion of parental phenotype is more than 50 %


Quantitative inheritance

Continuous variation


Qualitative inheritance

Discontinuous variation


Cytoplasmic inheritance



Frequency of dominant allele



Frequency of recessive allele



Change in gene frequency

D q


Population mean

M = a (p - q) + 2dpq


Genetic deviation



Epistatic deviation



Interaction deviation



Phenotypic variation

Vp = VG + VE



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